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TT#025 - 5 ways to convert your LinkedIn profile into a funnel...

Aug 23, 2022
5 ways to convert your LinkedIn profile into a funnel...

There's more than one "right" way to use LinkedIn.

If you're using it to grow your network, look for jobs, or simply build a personal brand, having a professional LinkedIn profile is perfectly suitable.

But, if you are using it to sell your products and services, you want more than a LinkedIn profile.

You want a LinkedIn funnel, or a profile that is designed to generate traffic, capture leads, and help you make sales.

My LinkedIn funnel has generated more than $750k in consulting and coaching sales over the past 2 years.

And this week, I'll share 5 ways you can start building yours, too.

#1. Make your Background a billboard...

Your LinkedIn page has a massive "billboard" that everyone who visits your profile can see. 

This billboard is called the “Background Photo.” A lot of LinkedIn profiles have professional and aesthetically pleasing backgrounds. 

That's a good start, but if you want your background to help you generate revenue, it needs to tell readers 3 things:

  1. Who you help
  2. How you help them
  3. Where to go (or what to do) if that's interesting

When it comes to making your background a billboard, clarity beats cute, clever, and creative every time. 

#2. Create a stronger Headline.

Just under the background is your profile picture, name, and “Headline.” This headline is a goldmine of opportunity to help you market and sell. 

A lot of profiles will offer a title, company name, and maybe a description of what the company does. 

Your LinkedIn funnel is going to take this a step further and tell readers 3 things: 

  1. Who you help
  2. How you help them
  3. Where to go (or what to do) if that's interesting

Sound familiar? It’s the same 3 things your background will tell readers. Just don’t say it the same way or it gets boring. 

Below are a few examples of the headline being used to help sell. Note the use of the call-to-action (CTA) in each.

From Casey Graham

From Marcus Chan:

my own profile

#3. Feature your marketing...

Further down the page we have a “Featured” section we can use to promote our stuff. 

If you have a good LinkedIn profile, you’re going to showcase some popular posts, maybe an article you wrote, and some other information you may be proud of. 

Your LinkedIn funnel is going to direct people to your marketing assets or prompt them to take action. 

Some examples may include sending people to: 

  • A free training, ebook, or other “top of funnel” resource
  • A newsletter, podcast, or other “middle of funnel” resource
  • A course, calendar, or other “bottom of funnel” resource

Below are a couple examples of this: 

From Justin Welsh

From my own: 

Don’t overdo it here. Less is actually more. 

When you’re picking content to feature, take into account your price point and where most visitors are in their “journey” to doing business with you.

If you have a low ticket product and a well established audience, give people a chance to buy. If you have a high ticket service and just started building an audience, give people a chance to get to know you more. 

#4. Write a good story About yourself...

Further on down, you have the “About” section, or an open space to write whatever you want about yourself, your services, or your business. 

There are literally (like, literally, literally) a million ways to leverage this as part of your LinkedIn funnel. And I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone. 

But I do find that an effective About section has at least 4 things:  

  1. An interesting founder story sharing the highlights of your journey. 
  2. The results you’ve delivered to boost credibility, authority, and trust
  3. Your unique selling proposition, and what makes you different. 
  4. A direct call to action prompting your target market to get started. 

#5. Maximize your Experience.

Last, and certainly not least, is the “Experience” section of LinkedIn. 

When people are reviewing your experience, they are usually asking, “What has this person accomplished that makes me want to listen to them?” 

Most profiles will use this section to share where they’ve worked and what they’re responsibilities have been. 

Your funnel will do that, too. But it’s going to go a step further and tell your ideal client how you can help them get what they want. And why you are the best person to do it. 

Here’s how I use mine: 

No day-to-day responsibilities or corporate speak. Just who I help, how I help, what to do now. 

This is just a portion of what I shared with my coaching clients in my private content library last week on how to turn a LinkedIn profile into a LinkedIn funnel

Do you have questions? Drop ‘em below. I’ll try to answer them all. 

And if you’re tired of putting in all the work with marketing yourself and still not finding premium clients, maybe I can help. 

Check out: 

I’m on a mission to help 10,000 entrepreneurs build a business that helps them unlock the lifestyle they truly want.

Limited Time: Check out my free 5-Steps to Build A Scalable Lifestyle Business training. 

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